Is your style guide alive?

Your company’s style guide should never be static. 

As your brand changes and grows, so should your style guide. 

A new or ongoing campaign, small or large can fall apart fast when there aren't any strict rules written in stone. 

But often, a style guide is missing answers to questions about new developments, products, or sales.

Consider asking yourself these questions: 

– What tone and voice do we use when talking about new features and benefits?
– What is our visual strategy for expanding into new markets?
– What is the approved tone and voice in social media when we expand?
– Are we changing the target demographic and do we have style guide answers for that in place?
– Who are our new competitors and does that influence our look and feel, or tone and voice?
– In general, are we still differentiating or are there new competitors too close to our style?

Obviously, your style guide is a reflection of your brand. It should be updated regularly to keep up with the times. 

Don't let it become stagnant – keep it fresh, relevant, and most of all…alive.