Beware of Content Sameness

Ah the pain of creating content.

Content has been on the rise forever, with the last 5 years seeing a crazy upswing.

It’s on the Must-Do-List of every company.
And it’s a real pain.

Once you start that ‘content’ journey, it’s a total commitment and never-ending.

Here’s what you cannot escape doing:

– Social Media postings.

– Your company’s announcements.

– Handy downloadable 2 to 4-pagers.

– That video from the company’s volunteer day in May.

– And, of course, all your (paid-for) outbound comm.

That, and more, is what most companies feel compelled to push out, because everyone is doing it. And obviously, LinkedIn is one of the favorite platforms to park these mountains of sameness.

Sameness, because it all looks and feels the same. It often has very little original thinking behind it. And it’s why we are all starting to scroll faster and faster to avoid it faster and faster on LinkedIn.

Don’t blame us. Blame sameness.

Here are some ways to fight it;

1) Talk instead of writing. Act as if you’re talking to an acquaintance in an elevator. Don’t give yourself much time.

2) Give us a quick insight into your company. If you’re a beer brewery, then tell me you just brought in the hops, and will keep us informed on progress.

3) Stick your neck out. Seriously, give me your opinion. Most companies write with vanilla ink.

4) Celebrate people. Tell me that Susan just broke a sales record. And leave it at that. We don’t need to know Susan’s life story.

5) If you’re stuck, ask your followers what else to feature. (We aren’t kidding. Be honest about being stuck.)

6) Be honest.

Are we leaving anything out here?